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Accessories / Gadgets

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    Q. How can I add analogue warmth?

    I have a reasonably modest home recording studio incorporating an Akai DPS12 hard‑disk multitracker with onboard...

    Sound Advice Mar 2000
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    Avoiding Equipment Battery Failure

    Tips & Tricks

    It seems everybody is talking about the millennium bug, but a far greater threat to the operation of our studios is already ticking away inside our effects units and synthesizers. Paul White gives a battery health warning.

    Sound Advice May 1999
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    50 Christmas Ideas For Musicians

    There are loads of handy gadgets out there to make a musician's life more fun, and every one of them is more desirable than socks or aftershave. Derek Johnson & Debbie Poyser present you with a few ideas...

    Sound Advice Dec 1998


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