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Acoustics / Studio Design

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    Studio Wiring, A Practical Guide, Part 1

    Tips & Techniques

    When setting up a studio, the temptation is to make do with the existing wiring — but this can lead to problems with hum and interference, as Paul White explains.

    Techniques Apr 1994
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    Pragmatic Acoustics

    Tips & Techniques

    Few of us are in a position to fit our houses with false walls, suspended ceilings and floating floors — so how can we create a reliable monitoring environment? Paul White explains that it's not as daunting as it seems.

    Techniques Mar 1994
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    Soldering Made Easy

    Tips & Techniques

    Learning to solder is easy, inexpensive and can save both money and frustration. Paul White makes it as painless as possible — just as long as you pick up the soldering iron by the right end!

    Techniques Mar 1994
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    Tape Machine Care

    Tips & Techniques

    Modern tape recorders, both cassette and open-reel, are capable of giving years of service — but they can also deteriorate very quickly if not cared for. Paul White explains the essentials of cleaning and demagnetising.

    Techniques Mar 1994
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    Figure 1. Typical 'room-within-a-room' design.

    Practical Studio Design: Part5

    Room-Within-A-Room Construction

    In this final instalment, we present a practical overview of the 'room‑within‑a‑room' principle which is used in the construction of virtually all major studios.

    Techniques Dec 1993
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    Figure 4.

    Practical Studio Design: Part4

    Floors & Ceilings

    Having dealt with walls and floors, we move on to the floors and ceilings of the studio, with a view to reducing sound leakage even further.

    Techniques Nov 1993
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    Figure 1:

    Practical Studio Design: Part3

    Building And Improving Walls & Partitions

    We turn our attention to uprating studio walls, as well as techniques for building sound‑isolating partitions.

    Techniques Oct 1993
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    Figure 6: Patio door construction.

    Practical Studio Design: Part2

    Soundproofing Doors And Windows

    This month, we examine doors and windows, the most vulnerable areas when it comes to sound leakage.

    Techniques Sep 1993
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    Figure 3: Spacing two walls apart.

    Practical Studio Design: Part1

    The Principles Of Soundproofing

    SOS begins an in‑depth series on practical studio design. This month, the emphasis is on measures you can take to soundproof your studio or practice room.

    Techniques Aug 1993


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