Live 12’s new Tunings system is your invitation to explore alternative tunings and microtones.
Introduced in Live 12, Roar is much more than just a saturation plug‑in...
New in Live 12, Ableton’s Meld synthesizer is far more complex than you might think.
If you’re a budding Brian Eno or merely in need of a little inspiration, Live’s MIDI Generators have got you covered.
We check out Live 12’s updated granular synth.
Float away with Live 11.3’s new synth...
Bridge the gap between Live’s Session and Arrangement views.
We show you how to get more from Live’s included content.
We generate MIDI from audio, and look at what’s new in Live 11.1.
What can Live’s Device Racks do for you?
We show you how to put your own stamp on Live 11’s new sonic content.
We dig deeper into the audio and MIDI effects included with Live 11.
Introduce some creative weirdness with MIDI inversion.
Live 11’s new Take Lanes make creating a composite from alternative takes (comping) much easier for both MIDI and audio tracks.
We explore what’s new in Live 11’s Session View...
We show you a different approach to arranging in Live.
We show how to insert, combine and modulate effects in both Session and Arrangement views within Ableton Live.
Live’s Session view abandons the timeline and allows you to simply trigger individual looping or one‑shot clips of any length.
Moving to Live from another DAW? We've got you covered...
Max For Live's versatile MIDI CC devices open up a world of creative control.
Reason version 11.2 now lets you drag MIDI clips into Live from three of Reason's MIDI-based devices: the Redrum drum machine, the Matrix step sequencer and the Dr Octo Rex Rex-file player.
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