Finally, Logic Pro X catches up with, and in many ways improves upon, the step sequencers in other DAWs.
With the introduction of Logic Pro X 10.5, EXS24 has been ‘replaced’ by a plug‑in instrument called Sampler.
Get to grips with Logic 10.5's cells and Scenes.
Logic Pro X 10.5 introduces a raft of new features and remains exceptional value for money.
Here's how to create a convincing double-tracking effect in Logic Pro X.
Multi-output instruments are a powerful weapon in your Logic arsenal. Here's how to use them...
Here's how to manipulate pitch and time in Logic Pro X.
Speed up your Logic Pro X workflow with these time-saving tips.
Logic's Modulator MIDI plug-in offers some exciting ways to add movement to your music. Find out how...
Get the most out of Logic's Amp Designer plug-in.
Get creative with Logic's new binaural panning options.
Logic's MIDI plug-ins are great, but getting access to the data they output can be tricky. Here's how it's done...
We explain how to get Ambisonics working in Logic Pro X.
Here's how to create glassy, ambient 'shimmer' reverbs in Logic Pro X.
Play and record external MIDI instruments in Logic.
Get the most out of your virtual instruments with Logic's articulation options.
Logic's Legacy plug-ins offer some great music-making tools — you just need to know where to look...
Take your auto-sampled hardware synth patches to the next level using EXS24 and Alchemy.
Turn hardware monosynths into software polysynths by auto-sampling in Logic’s companion app, MainStage.
Use Step FX in Logic Pro X to add rhythmic interest to synth and keyboard parts.
Apple have reinvented Camel Audio’s CamelPhat as the flexible Phat FX in Logic Pro 10.4. We see what it can do.
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