Ultrabeat isn't just a drum machine: it's great for tempo-synced effects.
The Direction Mixer in Logic Pro not only helps reposition stereo audio, but can also decode M/S recordings.
Cure those conflicting frequencies and create some space with Logic’s Match EQ.
From wave sequencing to gated pads and basses — it can all be done with Logic’s ES2 synth!
Audio files to accompany the article.
If Logic’s built-in pitch-correction doesn’t cut it for you, try this trick...
Sharpen your pointers for a crash course on drawing automation in Logic.
The different circuit types available in Logic’s Compressor are well worth a closer look — but what are they based on, and what do they actually do?
Logic Pro users can run into problems when using RAM-hungry features and plug-ins. So how do you beat the memory trap?
Expand your monitoring options with clever routing in Logic Pro.
When mixing, it doesn't hurt to double-check what you're hearing with judicious use of Logic's visual metering toolbox.
Ever thought of asking 'real' musicians to play your arrangements? Then get to grips with Logic's Score editor.
Logic's processing tools can be used to manipulate stereo width, adding interest to your mixes.
Whether you're an experienced or a novice Logic user, going back to the beginning might show you a thing or two.
Create a dubstep bass sound using the ES2 synthesizer and Logic's effects.
If you ever intend to make music to complement visuals, youll need to know the basics of working with video content in Logic Pro.
We show you how to easily re-use elements of older projects with Logics powerful import capabilities.
With recent revisions to the Take feature, Logic Pro 9 now has all the tools you need to craft the perfect vocal track.
You can get the amp and stomp-box collection youve always wanted now that Logic offers Pedalboard and Amp Designer.
Everyone loves an arpeggiator, and building one in Logic is not only easier than you might think, but also helps you hone your Environment skills...
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