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Industry Talk

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    Multimedia & Amiga Falcon


    Atari's high flyer had top billing as the first ever personal multimedia system. Andrew Wright enters stage left to look at the claim.

    People Nov 1994
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    Museum Of Synthesizer Technology


    Where can you go to mess about on a Mini Moog, do battle with a Bulcha, operate an Odyssey, programme a PolyVoks or make friends with a modular? The Museum of Synthesizer Technology has all this and much more, and was recently opened by none other than Bob Moog at a star-studded ceremony. Julian Colbeck reports.

    People Oct 1994
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    The Making Of Mackie Mixers

    Interview | Manufacturer

    Seattle is known to many of us as the Grunge music capital of the world. If Mackie Designs have their way, it could also become known as the mixer capital of the world. Paul White went on a tour of Mackie's factory for the inside story on the company's history and product line.

    People Oct 1994
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    Malcolm Toft: MTA & Trident

    Analogue Excellence

    Paul White talks to Malcolm Toft, the man behind the legendary Trident range of recording consoles, who now has his own company, MTA, which looks set to continue the tradition of analogue excellence.

    People Jul 1994
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    Electronic Sound & Pictures: Producing Interactive Multimedia

    Interview | Company

    Though many of us still don't fully understand it, interactive media is the way of the future for music and associated images. Nigel Humberstone visited ESP, a company with a long history in what is still a relatively young industry, to find out what it's all about...

    People Jun 1994
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    EMMA Electronic Music Festival


    Is the Electronic Music scene, as personified by the likes of Tangerine Dream, Jarre, Vangelis and Kraftwerk, dead and buried? or is it alive and well, and living in Derby? Graham Getty reports.

    People Jun 1994
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    Mike Vernon: Recording Blues Players

    Opinion | Music Production (Production Lines)

    You can't beat a live player — at least as far as Mike Vernon, blues producer and head of the Code Blue record label, is concerned...

    People Jun 1994
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    Colin Newman: From Musician To Record Label

    Opinion | Music Production (Production Lines)

    Colin Newman discusses taking the step from being a musician to being the proprietor of a record label.

    People May 1994
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    Kraftwerk & Electric Music 1994


    On a windswept February day in Blackpool, scores of Kraftwerk fans gathered to swap notes, watch probably the only Kraftwerk covers band in the world and generally party, while paying homage to one of the most influential electronic bands of our time. Convention organiser Paul Wilkinson brings us this report.

    People May 1994
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    Soundcraft: Going Live


    Mike Lethby takes a look at the background to Soundcraft's popular Going Live series of live sound short courses, and gives a run-down on the events planned for the next course, taking place at the University of Manchester at the end of April.

    People Apr 1994
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    NAMM '94 Report


    Paul White returns stirred but unshaken from the NAMM '94 exhibition with a brief overview of the products that most caught his attention.

    People Mar 1994
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    Tom Oberheim: Marion Systems

    Interview | Manufacturer

    Paul White was invited to Tom Oberheim's Los Angeles hotel suite for a preview of the Marion Systems MSR2 modular synthesizer.

    People Mar 1994
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    Lightwave: UK Electronica

    Interview | Band

    On an annual pilgrimage to UK Electronica, Jonathan Miller met with leading exponents of the electronic music genre. Lightwave, together with ex-Tangerine Dreamer Paul Haslinger, headlined the 1992 event in what proved to be an exciting collaboration.

    People Feb 1994
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    The Programming People

    Specialist Hire Agency

    Greater reliance on hi-tech instruments in the studio means there's more demand for people able to programme them. Paul Gilby spoke first to Karin Clayton about her recently formed agency that supplies programmers for studio sessions, and then to Fairlight programmer Simon Lloyd about his work.

    People Nov 1985
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    Alice In Switzerland

    Delivering Two Alice Silk DCA Mixing Consoles

    Two men, a girl and an electrical appliance meet under strange circumstances in the Swiss Alps. Ted Fletcher reports.

    People Nov 1985


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