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Industry Talk

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    Creating demos on DVD

    Video and audio technologies are converging in all sorts of ways: musicians can now consider creating demos on DVD, and developments in digital video may show the way for better ways of recording digital audio. Dave Shapton puts it all together.

    People Jun 2001
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    Naim Records

    Recording For The Naim Label

    You may know Naim as a UK-based hi-fi manufacturer, but they also own a record label, and apply the same esoteric standards to the records they release as they do to their audio equipment. Phil Ward investigates the label's obsession with sound and explains their recording and mastering techniques.

    People Jun 2001
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    FX Music Control — Locating & Servicing Vintage Synths

    Feature | Tips & Tricks

    Many 'classic' analogue synths are getting on for 30 years old now, yet they are still highly sought after. Hugh Robjohns reports on a company that specialises in finding and fixing vintage electronic instruments.

    People May 2001
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    Microsoft's Plans For Windows XP

    Cutting Edge

    Dave Shapton exposes Microsoft's plans for Windows XP copy protection, and explains why he thinks digital mixers are on the way to becoming all-purpose control surfaces.

    People May 2001
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    Fred Speckeen Of TC-Helicon

    The Science Of Voice Modelling

    TC‑Helicon's revolutionary VoiceCraft card for their VoicePrism processor allows the user to radically reshape the whole character of a vocal sound, adding tonal and inflectional changes that go way beyond the capabilities of current voice processors. Paul White talks technology with designer Fred Speckeen.

    People Apr 2001
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    Cutting Edge

    The audio industry is gearing up to fully embrace DVD but, as Dave Shapton argues, there could be a better way...

    People Apr 2001
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    Potential Of The Internet

    Cutting Edge

    As the 'dot com' business world's first flush of enthusiasm for the Internet fades, is a deeper understanding of the web's greater potential about to emerge? Dave Shapton speculates.

    People Mar 2001
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    PRS On Napster

    Cutting Edge

    There's new and compelling evidence that judges in Germany are bonkers. Dave Shapton explains.

    People Feb 2001
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    Microsoft Media Player

    Cutting Edge

    This month Dave Shapton questions Apple's corporate strategy and speculates on the possible implications behind Microsoft's desire to have their Media Player running on as many platforms as possible...

    People Jan 2001
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    Interview | Manufacturer

    Paul White meets the head of TC Works to preview the company's new PowerCore card, a DSP engine designed to relieve host-based MIDI + audio sequencers of some of the strain of running processor-intensive plug-ins.

    People Jan 2001
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    DAVE WRIGHT: The Case For Noise

    Sounding Off

    Dave Wright puts forward the case for noise, genuine old hiss, interference, wind and grind — the full mechanics of the recording process captured in all their glory...

    People Dec 2000
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    International Broadcasting Conference

    Cutting Edge

    This month Dave Shapton reports on the latest in broadcast video, from the International Broadcasting Conference in Amsterdam, and predicts how these innovations will be used by musicians as promotional tools. He also takes a look at the future of software-only video editing.

    People Dec 2000
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    15 Years Of Sound On Sound

    Special Feature

    This special November 2000 edition includes a 32-page supplement looking back over those early days, making this this the biggest SOS of all time. Selected leaders, highlights, and advertisements reveal how the hi-tech music recording field has evolved and how expectations (and prices) have radically changed through the years...

    People Nov 2000
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    Disk Storage

    Cutting Edge

    Disk storage may well be the future of recording but, as Dave Shapton explains, it pays to be aware of some of the potential pitfalls before entrusting your precious original master recordings to such media.

    People Nov 2000
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    SEAN CLOUGH: Click Track Constraints On Musical Expression

    Sounding Off

    Sean Clough laments the constraints which the click track has imposed upon musical expression.

    People Nov 2000
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    MP3 Players

    Cutting Edge

    This month, Dave Shapton suggests that emerging compression techniques may actually improve our audio and multimedia experiences.

    People Oct 2000
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    PAUL SELLARS: MIDI + Audio Sequencing

    Sounding Off

    Paul Sellars challenges the idea that MIDI + Audio sequencing has had a negative effect upon musical proficiency.

    People Oct 2000
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    Manufacturers ave exploited their customers' tolerances by Steve Watts

    Steve Watts argues that software manufacturers have exploited their customers' tolerances for shoddy, bug-laden products for long enough.

    People Sep 2000
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    Windows Media Player Version 7; IBM Microdrive

    Cutting Edge

    This month Dave Shapton compares his vision of the future for digital music with that of Microsoft...

    People Sep 2000
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    JON THOMPSON: Online Distribution

    Sounding Off

    Jon Thompson explains how online distribution can work for new music — but only if you get in at the ground floor...

    People Aug 2000
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    Cutting Edge

    The music business is in the midst of legal battles instigated by MP3. Dave Shapton argues that these problems are partly due to misconceptions about the technology and its consequences for the distribution of music.

    People Aug 2000


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