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    Q. Should mixers have dedicated line amps or is padding the mic amp OK?

    I’m restoring an old Soundcraft 600 mixer and discovered it doesn't use dedicated line amps and pads the mic amp signal.

    Sound Advice Feb 2024
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    Q. Why are my mixer's aux outs polarity inverted?

    I've been wondering whether my Soundcraft Signature MTK 12 was a defective unit, because it has the aux outputs polarity inverted with respect to the main output section. What is the purpose of such a design choice?

    Sound Advice Dec 2019
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    Q. Can I modify my mixing console?

    Is it possible to modify a console's channels so that the meters on the meterbridge show the signal level post-fader rather than just after the insert point?

    Sound Advice Jan 2005
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    Q. What do Solo, PFL and AFL do?

    Please can you explain the difference between 'soloing' a channel and using the other buttons marked 'PFL' and 'AFL' to listen...

    Sound Advice Sep 2003
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    Anatomy Of A Mixer

    Functions & Circuitry Explained

    Hugh Robjohns shrinks to microscopic size in order to show you around the conglomeration of knobs, wires and circuits that make up a mixer.

    Sound Advice Apr 1997
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