I'm really interested in the vocal sound on Haim's debut album, Days Are Gone — could you tell me what sort of processing might be involved in this album?
I’ve listened to music recorded on tape and the ‘warmth’ seems to be largely due to the soft-saturation characteristics of the tape and other non-linear components in the signal chain. This being the case, won’t a simpler valve emulation or mild overdrive plug-in achieve pretty much the same result?
Tracks that I mix in my home studio tend to sound really bad in my car, but when I correct the mixes so they sound good in the car, they sound awful over my monitors — so what's going wrong?
Here's a PDF of the correct Chart we published in SOS way back in 2012, showing the fundamental frequency ranges of instruments, plus a translation of subjective audio qualities like 'sizzle', 'boxiness' and 'presence'.