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Monitors / Monitoring

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    Event ASP8

    Active Studio Monitors

    Event up their game once again with their best-ever design for project-studio monitoring. But have they come far enough to continue to face off the competition?

    Reviews Apr 2004
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    Q. Where should I put my subwoofer?

    I want to add a subwoofer to my monitoring system, but how do I work out where to place it in the room?

    Sound Advice Apr 2004
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    Q. What kind of headphones are right for me?

    I'm considering the purchase of two sets of headphones: the AKG K240DF (flat response) for mixing, and the K271 (coloured response) for musicians to wear when monitoring their own signal, giving them the best sound for inspiration and encouragement. Would these models be suitable for these applications?

    Sound Advice Apr 2004
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