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These files accompany Cubase Technique article in the November 2014 issue.
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These files accompany Cubase Technique article in the November 2014 issue.
Cubase has all the tools you need to add vocal glitching effects to your pop or EDM tracks.
The ZIP file of the Cubase 7.5 project template.
Could Steinberg’s mid–sized USB audio interface provide the perfect package for the home studio and music on the move?
Cubase's built-in VariAudio pitch processor isn't just for vocals...
Cubase's built-in VariAudio pitch processor isn't just for vocals...
Make your Cubase mixes pack more punch with master‑bus compression.
Make full use of your speakers with these stereo enhancement tips for Cubase.
Cubase offers several different ways to take advantage of your master keyboard's knobs, buttons and faders.
Perfect your vocal pitch-correction techniques with Cubase's VariAudio.
Steinberg have packed a lot of new functionality into their bargain upgrade to Cubase.
Dodge & Fuski's Rob Talbott explains how he creates the band's dubstep drum beats in Cubase.
Get more done in less time, with these workflow tips for Cubase 7.
Steinberg have announced a significant update to their production systems, Cubase and Cubase Artist, available in December. Version 7.5 incorporates important workflow enhancements, version updates to its instruments and new effects to further the impressive feature set of Cubase and increase professionals’ productivity when producing music.
Steinberg have announced the release of a new system that allows users to interact with the popular DAW via hand gestures. Cubase iC Air software is free to use but requires either a Leap Motion Controller or depth camera run by the Intel Perceptual Computing SDK.
With the Chord Track, even the most keyboard-phobic and ham-fisted of composers can play in their piano parts!