Cubase Pro: Take Control Of Your Stereo Image | Audio Examples
Here the audio files that accompany the SOS October 2021 Cubase workshop.
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Here the audio files that accompany the SOS October 2021 Cubase workshop.
In Frequency 2, Cubase 11 Pro has a powerful dynamic EQ.
Check out these audio examples which accompany the September 2021 Cubase workshop on Dynamic EQ using Frequency 2.
SpectraLayers One allows you to tweak vocals that are ‘baked into’ a stereo mix!
by John Walden
These audio examples accompany my Cubase workshop in SOS August 2021, in which i...
Steinberg's notation and composition suite is now available for Apple tablets. It's completely compatible with desktop Dorico projects, sports a new touch-friendly MIDI editor — and is available for free.
Cubase 11’s new SuperVision plug‑in makes it easier for Pro and Artist users to trust their ears.
Cubase 11’s Sampler Track makes a great starting point for percussive sound design.
These audio examples accompany the SOS June 2021 Cubase workshop.
In need of melodic inspiration? Cubase 11's Scale Assistant can help.
Want to try a spot of DIY mastering? You can do so in any version of Cubase 11, including Elements.
These audio examples accompany our Cubase Mastering workshop in SOS April 2021.
Users of Steinberg software (including Cubase and Nuendo) will soon be able to run it without requiring a USB eLicenser.
We explore four ways to make the most of Cubase 11’s new multiband Squasher plug‑in.
Drum re‑synthesizer instrument or sound designer’s new best friend?
Audio files to accompany our Cubase workshop.
New expansion for Steinberg's granular synth is based on cassette loops and analogue synth sounds.
Cubase offers everything that you need to design engaging effects risers and impacts.
Steinberg’s clever use of AI has made spectral editing and unmixing more accessible than ever.
Audio files on this page accompany our February 2021 Cubase workshop.