Inversion Therapy
Cubase 8 can help you experiment with different chords and voicings to fake a good performance.
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Cubase 8 can help you experiment with different chords and voicings to fake a good performance.
Why take three virtual rhythm plug-ins into the studio when you can just take one? Steinberg’s Groove Agent 4 attempts to do it all.
Stuck in a songwriting rut? Cubase’s Chord Pads and Chord Assistant can help you out.
Use your Cubase reverbs as spot effects.
Cubase iC Pro is a remote app that can control Cubase from either an iPhone, iPad, or Android-based device.
Cubase 8 combines powerful tools from Nuendo with new features such as VCA faders and the ability to render audio in place.
Audio files to accompany the article.
Add DJ–style effects to your Cubase projects with LoopMash FX.
Here's how to set up your own hardware–controlled channel strip in Cubase.
Steinberg have today announced the immediate availability of Cubase Pro 8 and Cubase Artist 8.
Cubase’s Track Lanes system is great for speedy comping, but Track Versions brings plenty more to the party...
These files accompany Cubase Technique article in the November 2014 issue.
Cubase has all the tools you need to add vocal glitching effects to your pop or EDM tracks.
The ZIP file of the Cubase 7.5 project template.
Could Steinberg’s mid–sized USB audio interface provide the perfect package for the home studio and music on the move?
Cubase's built-in VariAudio pitch processor isn't just for vocals...
Cubase's built-in VariAudio pitch processor isn't just for vocals...
Make your Cubase mixes pack more punch with master‑bus compression.