Exploring Cubase's Bundled MIDI Plug-ins | Audio Examples
These audio examples accompany our Cubase workshop in SOS March 2022.
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These audio examples accompany our Cubase workshop in SOS March 2022.
Steinberg have released Cubasis v3.4 of its powerful audio sequencer app adding support for Ableton Link plus over 75 workflow and performance improvements.
The WaveLab department at Steinberg have been very busy indeed...
The Input Transformer can do all sorts of useful things to incoming MIDI signals. Let's find out...
Steinberg have announced the immediate availability of major new updates to its Dorico family of music notation and composition software.
From plucks to pads, Cubase’s Sampler Track makes it easy to design your own sounds.
SOS January 2022
Cubase Workshop: Audio Examples
John Walden
These audio files...
Want to create your own signature sounds? Cubase makes sound design easy.
These audio files and captions accompany December 2021's Cubase Sound Design main article.
Bye-bye dongle, bienvenu Software Licensing. Plus: Cubase 12 to be released in 2022.
We explore how Cubase’s multiband tools can help you master your own mixes [includes Audio Examples].
Steinberg are on a mission with SpectraLayers. So, what’s new with Pro 8?
We show you how to take full control of your stereo image with Cubase’s powerful bundled plug‑in suite.
Here the audio files that accompany the SOS October 2021 Cubase workshop.
In Frequency 2, Cubase 11 Pro has a powerful dynamic EQ.
Check out these audio examples which accompany the September 2021 Cubase workshop on Dynamic EQ using Frequency 2.
SpectraLayers One allows you to tweak vocals that are ‘baked into’ a stereo mix!
by John Walden
These audio examples accompany my Cubase workshop in SOS August 2021, in which i...
Steinberg's notation and composition suite is now available for Apple tablets. It's completely compatible with desktop Dorico projects, sports a new touch-friendly MIDI editor — and is available for free.
Cubase 11’s new SuperVision plug‑in makes it easier for Pro and Artist users to trust their ears.