Caro Emerald
Tired of trying to make money, Caro Emerald's production team chose to make music they loved. The result was a worldwide hit album...
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Tired of trying to make money, Caro Emerald's production team chose to make music they loved. The result was a worldwide hit album...
Already dominant elsewhere, audio-over-IP is poised to take over the studio world. We explain how it works — and why there are so many protocols!
In 1968, Tommy James made a dramatic stylistic turnaround, swapping bubblegum pop for full-blown psychedelic rock. The result was the superlative single Crimson & Clover.
Several months have elapsed since the release of Windows Vista — so is it safe for musicians to assume that most music software and hardware is now compatible with the new OS, and upgrade? PC Musician investigates.
Carillon Audio Systems' range of specially designed music PCs has been one of the most ambitious product launches in recent years. But apart from their distinctive design, what do these computers offer that other PCs don't? Martin Walker finds out...