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Distorters / Saturators

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    Rob Papen RP-Distort 2 distortion plug-in

    Distort 2 from Rob Papen

    Popular distortion plug-in gains powerful new features

    New distortion plug-in adds custom distortion options and gains Disrupt-Sphere feature from company's DelSane delay. 

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    Saturation Strategies

    Improving Your Mixes

    Saturation effects can be used in different ways to make mixing easier. Find out how...

    Techniques May 2021
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    Saturation Strategies | Audio Examples

    Hear For Yourself

    Audio files to accompany SOS May 2021's Saturation Stratgeies workshop.

    Techniques May 2021
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    Main screen of FabFilter Saturn 2 multiband distortion/saturation plug-in.

    FabFilter Saturn 2 released

    Major update for multiband saturation/distortion plug-in

    FabFilter have decided to rebuild their multiband distortion and saturation plug-in from the ground up in a major redesign that brings it in line with the clean and simple GUI of their more popular plug-ins whilst peppering Saturn 2 with a host of new, enticing features.



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