Like the original, this Pico pedal identifies individual notes extremely well and it has plenty of attack range, from just softening the attack transient to a slow bowing type of fade‑in.
With a GUI that looks as though it was designed by an astrologer on magic mushrooms, Instant Audio’s QuickMuse is a five‑section multi‑effects plug‑in with a simple interface and some smart randomisation functions.
Equipped with an innovative audio graph interface, Lunacy Audio's latest plug-in makes quick work of transforming any sound using granular processing a range of built-in effects.
The latest addition to SSL's Complete line-up combines a selection of classic effects processes with the power and versatility of a modern plug-in environment.
FAC Punchlab is an all-in-one processing solution that comes loaded with nine modules and boasts a user-friendly GUI with comprehensive metering and feedback.
Sound Particles have announced that they are offering a 30% discount on all of their products until 9 March 2024 in celebration of International Women's Day.
Many of EHX's Pico pedals are stripped‑back versions of their larger counterparts, but the Deep Freeze combines features of their Freeze and Superego pedals.