Gamechanger Audio show us their Bigsby Pedal, which uses DSP to emulate the iconic Bigsby tremolo system.
The Bigsby Pedal is an innovative new guitar pedal based on a Bigsby vibrato system.
Have Slate Digital perfected real‑time pitch‑correction?
Combining the classic vocoder with Antares’ popular pitch processor, this plug‑in is capable of some pretty 'out there' effects.
The original Pitch Fork, reviewed back in SOS June 2015, now has a more grown‑up sibling, the Pitch Fork+.
With algorithms ported from their H9 pedal system, MicroPitch is a dual pitch-shifter and a dual delay effect with modulation.
New vocal processor offers real-time voice effects and manipulation for live performance.
Waves' new plug–in is more than just a vocoder...
Hedra offers auto–harmony, pitch detuning, pitch glide and various other less obvious but highly usable functions.
Auto-Tune keeps evolving, and the latest version incorporates both its best pitch-correction ever and a nod to its past.
Is it really possible to carry out studio-quality pitch-correction in real time? Waves think so...
Award-winning electronic duo Infected Mushroom have announced the imminent release of Manipulator, a...
Electro-Harmonix have always had a good reputation for their pitch-shift effects. How does their latest one compare?
Auto-Tune is said to be the biggest-selling plug-in of all time. How does the new version shape up against the competition?
The latest version of Zplane's Vielklang will not only generate harmonies from your vocals, but put them in tune first!
Pitch correction of vocal parts is now commonplace in all but a few genres. Find out how to craft a professional-sounding result.
Audio files to accompany the article.
The latest version of the Digitech Whammy — the pedal-operated digital pitch-shifter that has been keeping guitarists amused...
When I'm doing vocal pitch-correction, should I include breath sounds if I'm trying to get the sound to be realistic? I'm...
BIASs latest plug-in promises a quick and easy path to a modern vocal sound.
In its new Direct Note Access, the latest version of Celemony's Melodyne introduces what might just be the most hotly anticipated piece of music technology ever. Will mixing and remixing ever be the same again?
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