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Signal Processors

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    Sony DPSV77

    Multi-effects Processor

    Sony's DPSV77 is like a 'best of' compilation of all the company's dedicated single effects units, with the addition of a simplified user interface and a digital I/O. Is it a smash success or a one-hit wonder? Nick Magnus goes for gold...

    Reviews Sep 1996
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    TL Audio C2021

    Indigo Tube Compressor

    Paul White checks out the latest addition to TL Audio's new Indigo range.

    Reviews Sep 1996
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    Viscount EFX10

    Multi-effects Processor

    Despite having a name that most British people associate with small, round chocolate biscuits, Viscount are gaining a reputation for affordable MIDI hardware — and the EFX10 could be their best value effects processor to date. Derek Johnson and Debbie Poyser develop a taste for it.

    Reviews Sep 1996
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    Aphex 109

    2/4-band Valve Parametric EQ

    Aphex continue to attack the market with their high quality, value for money processors. Paul White warms to the latest release.

    Reviews Sep 1996
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    Digitech Studio Twin

    Digital Multi-effects Unit

    Effects units continue to drop in price while offering more and more features. Digitech's new Studio Twin costs less than £250, but still offers a dual effects mode and MIDI patch control. Paul White is agog.

    Reviews Sep 1996
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    Marshall JFX1

    Digital Effects Unit

    Axe devotees may be surprised to learn that Marshall released this little-known digital effects processor last year. Paul White gets in his annual half-hour's guitar practise, and finds an overlooked unit worthy of some consideration...

    Reviews Sep 1996
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    TC Electronic M2000

    Digital Effects Processor

    The M2000 takes much of the technology behind its Danish manufacturer's professional flagship, the M5000, and re-packages it with less flexibility but a much lower price tag. Paul White finds out whether it's barking up the right tree.

    Reviews Aug 1996
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    Alesis Nanoverb

    Mini Digital Effects Unit

    This is the smallest and least costly reverb unit Alesis have ever produced. Paul White finds out whether you can mind the quality and still feel the width!

    Reviews Aug 1996
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    TL Audio 2011 & 2012 Indigo Range

    Valve Equalisers

    Paul White casts a critical ear over TL Audio's new budget dual-channel valve equalisers to see if high quality really is possible at such a relatively low price.

    Reviews Aug 1996
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    Aphex 661 Expressor

    Single-Channel Valve Compressor

    Famous for their Aural Exciters, Aphex continue to diversify. Paul White takes a look at the US company's new valve-based compressor.

    Reviews Aug 1996
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    Stereo Compressor

    Paul White studio tests the JoeMeek Stereo Compressor to find out whether nostalgia really is what it used to be...

    Reviews Aug 1996
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    Korg IH

    Intelligent Harmoniser

    Korg have added a vocal harmony generator to their i-series of intelligent arranger workstations, taking advantage of the same harmonising technology that's behind Digitech's market-leading Vocalist series. Gordon Reid finds out whether the new unit has anything surprising up its sleeve...

    Reviews Aug 1996
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    Mutronics Mutator

    Stereo Analogue Filter

    The predictability of modern digital sound sources, while convenient, may have you longing for some of the chaotic complexity of analogue. Paul Nagle looks at an analogue filter which could put the surprise back into your music.

    Reviews Jul 1996
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    Digitech MV5

    Vocal Harmony Processor

    Offering 5-part harmony at a budget price, the MV5 is Digitech's easiest to use pitch-shifter yet. The David Mellor Singers provide the tune...

    Reviews Jul 1996
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    LA Audio 4x4

    4-channel Dual Filter Noise Gate Compressor

    Always ready for some off-road action, Paul White scrambles for his XLR adaptors and test drives LA Audio's latest incarnation of the 4x4.

    Reviews Jul 1996
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    Korg Pandora

    Guitar Multi-Effects Processor

    Paul White nervously opens Pandora's box — and realises that instead of being the mythical source of demons and sorrows, it's just Korg's new compact guitar multi-effects processor...

    Reviews Jun 1996
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    Waldorf Miniworks

    4-pole Filter

    Now that Waldorf have released their 4-pole filter as a stand-alone unit, giving your digital synth an analogue spin is as easy as popping it in the microwave. The result, as Paul Ward discovers, isn't always fast food.

    Reviews Jun 1996
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    ART Pro Noise Gate

    8-channel Noise Gate

    Paul White gets the first ART eight-channel Pro Gate to land in the UK &mdash and discovers that behind the hi-tech facade, it's a bit of a Harley-Davidson.

    Reviews Jun 1996
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    Boss GX700

    Guitar Effects Processor/Preamp

    Inside the GX700 lies a heart of gold: Roland's innovative physical modelling technology. Paul White straps on his guitar and puts this advanced multi-effects unit to work.

    Reviews Jun 1996
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    Behringer Dualflex EX2100


    Paul White finds Behringer's new 'more of everything' box a plentiful source of cheap thrills.

    Reviews May 1996
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    Lexicon PCM90

    Digital Reverberator

    Descending Mosses-like from the mount, Lexicon's new dedicated reverb processor brings intelligence from the company's top-end reverbs. Paul White gets a debriefing...

    Reviews May 1996


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