At its core, the Recombination Engine is a triple analogue VCO module based around reissue Curtis CEM 3340 VCO chips. How it combines the three, however, is quite unique...
The Filtamp 1006 is a combined 24dB ladder VCF and VCA module with two mixable audio inputs, three modulation inputs, filter resonance and amplifier gain with linear or exponential control.
The SWN is a fairly big 26HP six‑voice module capable of creating slowly morphing drones, polyphonic melodies, evolving sequences and a vast range of rich textures.
This stereo analogue filter allows different filter modes for the left and right channels, and then messes with the dimensions of space by applying mid‑side processing afterwards.
This ensemble oscillator comprises 16 sine wave VCOs in one module, each voice of which will play different (related) programmed notes/harmonics in arrays that you can select, tweak and voltage control.
The Fusion Series is all about valves. It's Erica's premium offering of Eurorack modules and is dripping with extreme saturation and deep gooey darkness.