At Superbooth 2024 we caught up with Tats from Korg Berlin to check out the phase8, the latest prototype instrument which employs their innovative new acoustic synthesis method.
We check out the latest additions to Tiptop Audio's collection of Buchla 200 Series recreations, bringing the legendary designer’s sound to modern Eurorack systems.
FLUX is a performance instrument that uses handheld magnets to offer Theremin-style control over pitch and volume, while leaving a hand free for modulation.
Legendary Belgian mixer manufacturers Rodec Audio are back with the MX Modular performance console, here giving us a quick demo of all the features on the third day of Superbooth 2024.
Groove Synthesis revealed a major update for the 3rd Wave at this year's Superbooth show, kitting out their powerful instrument with 35 seconds of sampling.
Arturia have just launched the PolyBrute 12 which doubles the voice count of the original PolyBrute and boasts a new FullTouch keyboard that opens up a whole host of expressive performance possibilities.
The Enjoy Electronics DeFeel module can be placed after a sequencer and allows users to generate a huge range of rhythmic variations via a touchscreen interface.
Superbooth 2024 witnessed a raft of new releases from Tiptop Audio, who continue their partnership with Buchla along with four of their own new modules.
Bearing the initials of company founder Thomas Elroy Oberheim, this compact synthesizer has been designed to offer a perfect blend of classic analogue warmth and modern versatility.
Sharing a similar design to the recently released Bullfrog educational synth, the new Bullfrog XL is three times larger in size and introduces some additional functionality.
The PolyBrute 12 doubles the voice count of its predecessor, and boasts an innovative keybed design that offers polyphonic aftertouch across its entire movement range.
Despite looking like a simple VCO at first glance, Xaoc Devices’ latest Eurorack offering is said to be capable of delivering rather more than its appearance suggests.
Described by RYK Modular as “all knobs and no menus”, ALGO is a stereo Eurorack module that offers a wealth of FM sounds and requires no menu navigation.