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Q. Is it time to buy some monitors?

Published May 2008

I'm having a hard time deciding whether to buy monitors for my bedroom studio. It's a 3m x 4m untreated room with rather poor acoustics. For many years I've been working on headphones (Sennheiser HD251s) for my mixes, but I think it's time to take a more serious approach. I am considering the Adam A7s, but I'd like your opinion. I'm working on many genres, from R&B to metal, as well as ambient and orchestral movie scores. Should buy monitors, and if so, what about acoustic treatment? Do I need speaker stands too?

Adam A7s are very capable monitors in small and medium-sized rooms. But you'll need adequate acoustic treatment, a good set of stands and correct positioning to get the best from them.Adam A7s are very capable monitors in small and medium-sized rooms. But you'll need adequate acoustic treatment, a good set of stands and correct positioning to get the best from them. Asimakis, Greece

Editor In Chief Paul White replies: It looks as though you've already realised that monitors are probably the way to go at this point! I would say that the Adam A7s are good for small and medium-sized rooms, but you'll need some acoustic treatment to get the best from them — so see our Studio SOS series in past issues (or on our web site) for ideas. Solid stands that put the tweeters at head height (when you're seated) are ideal, and don't let anything, such as computer monitors, get between the speakers and your ears. Angle the speakers in towards your head and try to work down the length of the room rather than across it. This is likely to make the bass sound more even.