Almost every recording musician has a great take somewhere that's unrepeatable and marred by hiss, hum or other audio gremlins. Wouldn't it be great if there was some affordable way of restoring such a recording to its former glory? Janet Harniman-Cook discovers that there is...
Shakespeare had his Dark Lady for creative inspiration, Dante had his Beatrice, Petrarch had his Laura — and you? You've got your PC! Janet Harniman-Cook compares three different interactive composition packages which aim to provide that elusive spark...
The Native Power Pack from DSP software specialists Waves gathers together several plug-ins previously only available for Mac-based TDM systems, and makes them available at a Knock-down price, instantly widening the appeal of software based processing. Janet Harniman-Cook plugs in.
Turtle Beach have a reputation for producing some of the best PC soundcards available, and the new loftily-named Multisound Pinnacle and Fiji cards have been eagerly awaited since their predecessors, the high-spec Tahiti and Multisound Classic cards, were discontinued. Janet Harniman-Cook scales new heights...
With the advance of new technology, PC audio editors have finally reached the point where they can give Macintosh systems a run for their money. Janet Harniman-Cook investigates the possibilities.
There's never been a better time to burn your own CDs at home, as the price of CD writers and the necessary mastering software continues to fall. Now the Red Roaster bundle is bringing the homemade CD dream within the reach of Pentium PC owners. Janet Harniman-Cook experiences burning desires...
Last year saw the proliferation of reliable, fully-featured MIDI + Audio sequencers for the IBM-compatible PC — packages which were previously the preserve of the Apple Macintosh platform. Janet Harniman-Cook takes a look at the three top PC programs in the field to see how their facilities compare.
Rather than trying to be a jack of all trades, SAW Plus has made itself a master of one — providing a dedicated multitrack recording and editing environment for digital audio on the PC. Janet Harniman-Cook came, saw, and wrote this review...