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Part of the ADSR envelope which determines the level to which the sound will settle if a key is held down. Once the key is released, the sound decays at a rate set by the Release parameter. Also refers to a guitar's ability to hold notes which decay very slowly.
See Gooseneck.
The optimum position for a microphone, or for a listener relative to monitor loudspeakers.
(Also SMPS) A type of power supply that uses mains power to drive directly a high frequency oscillator so that a smaller, lighter transformer may be used. These power supplies are commonly used because they can be made to accept a wide range of mains supply voltages, and are thus universal.
A system for making two or more pieces of equipment run in synchronism with each other.
The creation of artificial sound.
An electronic musical instrument designed to create a wide range of sounds, both imitative and abstract.
(System Exclusive) A part of the MIDI standard that allows manufacturers to define their own specific message formats, commonly used to dump and load a specific product’s patch data.
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