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Masterbits Climax Collection

Sample CD Buyer's Guide By Dave Stewart
Published January 2000

Rating: *** 3/6 Stars


Vn: sus nv (f & mf), sus vb (f), stc.

Va, Vc: sus (f & mf), stc.

Db: sus (f & mf), stc, piz.


Tpt, Tbn, Tba: sus (f & mf), stc.

Ptp: sus (f), stc.

Fhn: sus (f & mf), sus stp, stc.


Flt, Ob, Cla, Bsn: sus (f & mf), stc, Aflt: sus (f ), stc.


Single notes, octaves, gls: major & minor.

Comments: Solo instruments (no ensembles) played largely without vibrato by members of the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra.

Standouts: The low‑pitched instruments — double bass, cello, tuba and bassoon — all sound strong here. I used the staccato bassoon in a TV theme in preference to others from far more expensive volumes.

Quibbles: None. Good deal.

Contact: Masterbits.

£ Audio CD $49.