The Shape Of Things To Come
A chance to do some crystal gazing at product developments in the music / recording / visual fields.
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A chance to do some crystal gazing at product developments in the music / recording / visual fields.
Greater reliance on hi-tech instruments in the studio means there's more demand for people able to programme them. Paul Gilby spoke first to Karin Clayton about her recently formed agency that supplies programmers for studio sessions, and then to Fairlight programmer Simon Lloyd about his work.
This 4-track MIDI sequencer is a step in the right direction for Casio but have the budget restrictions limited its appeal?
Jay Chapman discovers why this 16-track MIDI sequencer package for the BBC B micro, described as the musical equivalent of the humble word processor, is receiving so much acclaim from studio users.
You don't know his name but you'll have heard his refrains. Composer Paul Bliss writes hits for the best of 'em using a UMI-2B sequencer package and several synthesizers. Ralph Denyer finds out how.
Two men, a girl and an electrical appliance meet under strange circumstances in the Swiss Alps. Ted Fletcher reports.
Low cost digital reverb comes of age according to producer Robin Lumley.