Here are two short audio files to accompany the Cubase workshop that appears in SOS June 2024.
The examples explore how different types of sound can be created from a single source sample, and the role that the Pitch, Filter and Amp modulation options, including Cubase 13’s new shape-based tools, can play in sound design.
Cubase 13 Sampler Track Shaper Feature Audio Example 01.mp3
This first example illustrates the sound types described in the main text, with each sound heard in isolation. The sounds are auditioned without any further processing such as EQ, compression or ambience. The audio is divided into the following sequence of sounds:
a) The original single note sustained synth patch used as the sound source for each of the synth-based sounds subsequently created within the Sampler Track.
b) The original drum loop that was sliced within a Sampler Track to provide simple kick, snare and hi-hat sounds used within the scratch project in the second audio example.
c) A four-bar loop of the bass synth sound created.
d) A four-bar loop of one of the lead sounds created.
e) A four-bar loop using the sustained pad sound created.
f) A four-bar loop of a further synth sound but with a rhythmic element created with more complex modulation of both Amp and Filter.
g) A single ‘hit’ of the bass pitch drop sound created.
h) A short riser sound in which the Amp and Filter modulation curves operate over the length of a single beat.
i) A riser sound in which the Amp and Filter modulation curves operate over the length of a single bar.
j) A longer riser sound in which the Amp and Filter modulation curves provide a sweep that operates over the length of four bars.
k) A second longer riser sound in which the Amp and Filter modulation curves provide a sweep that operates over the length of four bars but with LFO modulation superimposed to provide an additional 1/16th note rhythmic element.
l) A four-bar drum pattern created using just kick, snare and hi-hat sounds and triggered from a sliced version of the original drum loop.
Cubase 13 Sampler Track Shaper Feature Audio Example 02.mp3
This second example puts the various individual sounds into the context of a short musical project. The audio is divided into two sections:
a) A short (approximately 10-bar) musical example where most of the individual sounds can be heard at some point. No additional processing (EQ, compression or ambience) or ‘mixing’ has been done.
b) A longer example (about 80 seconds in total) based on the same set of Sampler Track-designed sounds, plus a couple of vocal hooks. While this is not a fully ‘mixed’ track (and will not win any prizes for breaking new musical ground!), some basic EQ, compression, reverb and delay (all using stock Cubase plugins) have been used to give a better sense of how these sounds might work in a project context. Despite the self-imposed constraint of using a single sample as a source sound for all the other synth-based elements of the track, it’s impressive how easily you can design different types of sound using the Sampler Track, and Cubase 13’s new shape-based curve drawing tools for creating modulation are a powerful addition in that regard.