After much hard work, Yamaha and Steinberg persuaded Rupert Neve that they could faithfully model his latest hardware in plug-in form. We pit the virtual Porticos against the real things...
Whether you’re rescuing an over-compressed mix or extracting maximum punch from a drum track, Flux’s innovative multi-band dynamics tool could be just what you need.
Can UA's Studer plug-in really reproduce the sound of saturated multitrack tape in all its glory? To find out, we tracked down a real Studer A800, a top-flight studio and a hitmaking band...
Cytomic have gone to great lengths to mimic the sound of the famous SSL bus compressor, with its unique ability to glue things together. How does their plug-in compare with established offerings from Waves and UA?
Universal Audios latest plug-in, based on Manley Labs classic Massive Passive EQ, is being hailed as the best emulation yet of a hardware unit. So how would it fare when we pitted it against the real thing?