After last month's test-drive of Yamaha's top-of-the-range-QY300 music sequencer, Martin Russ now takes its baby sibling, the QY8, for a spin around the block.
The Walkstation grows up! After causing a stir with their 'pocket-sized' QY10 and QY20, Yamaha have produced the 'Big Brother' of the range, the QY300. Martin Russ discovers to his delight that it's not just the size that's increased...
Martin Russ dishes up the latest Apple news, explains how to make your own aliases, and even casually prophesies the death of MIDI. But first, he sets the record straight concerning QuickTime v.2.0...
Is 'physical modelling' set to become the buzz-phrase of '90s synthesis? Martin Russ exclusively tests out Yamaha's innovative new synth and reveals all...
In a packed column this month, Martin Russ looks at MIDI machine control, FreeMIDI, the Mac serial port, and even manages to mention the latest Apple news. He kicks off with a look at Performer 5.0.
Martin Russ brings you the latest Apple news, benefits from an Opcode World Tour, reveals all about the new Power Macs, and passes an instant wallpaper music recipe...
Hands On Development came into the field of MIDI-controlled lighting very early, with their sophisticated Limetime controller. Now the Starlite offers even the most fiscally challenged the opportunity to add another dimension to a live performance. Martin Russ seeks enlightenment.