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Zoom Sampletrak ST224
Derek Johnson & Debbie Poyser check out a product which offers up to four minutes of sample time, 22 different effects, audio processing and resampling facilities — for £199. If you'd been reading this only a few years ago , you'd have assumed that some digits had been missed off the price...
Zoom GM200
Paul White gives Zoom's new low-cost modelling guitar preamp the once over.
Zoom RFX300
Paul White foresakes his towering effects rack for a budget processor that looks for all the world as though it would float in the bath!
Zoom RFX1000 & RFX2000
Paul White puts away his expensive toys to try out a couple of low-cost studio effects from Zoom, but does he still have fun?
Zoom Rhythmtrak 123
Zoom's new beatbox offers a wide range of percussion sounds and patterns at an extremely affordable price.
NAMM 2021: Zoom G6
New flagship multi-effects pedal features a convolution engine and can store up to 100 user cabinet impulse responses.