Last year, Austrian mic legends AKG launched the Scholarship Of Sound, a training scheme designed to help participants “develop a greater understanding of sound, music production and audio engineering”, via courses and teaching sessions run by industry professionals.
The programme is now in its second year, and SOS are proud to be its exclusive international media partner! For 2011, AKG have announced that they are expanding the Scholarship, and making it available to people from countries across Europe, including Turkey and Russia. As before, the Scholarship Of Sound will see participants spending a week in Berlin, during which students will attend workshops and mentoring sessions, get production and mastering classes and tutorials, and receive advice on forging a career in the industry.
There are 10 places available, but unlike many similar schemes, the Scholarship Of Sound must be applied for: applications must be submitted by the end of April, and these will be judged by an industry panel.
The successful applicants will be announced on May 16th, and those deemed worthy will get their flights, accommodation and living expenses paid for by AKG!
The Scholarship week takes place between July 30th and August 6th, so prospective attendees should make sure they are free during that time.
Applications can be submitted now, via the Scholarship Of Sound web site, below. A full list of all the workshops and participating artists and industry experts is available there too.