The Neumann U47 is legendary for a reason — as this homage makes clear.
Since starting production of their own mics back in 2002, Australian pro audio company BeesNeez have built up an impressive catalogue. I reviewed the Lulu Tube from their budget‑friendly Studio range last month, and was impressed to find a high‑quality valve SDC mic that would be affordable to a small studio owner like myself. For review this month we have another valve mic, but this time from their professionally priced Tribute range. The Tribute 1 is BeesNeez’s take on the classic Neumann U47.
There are already plenty of other options out there for engineers seeking a U47‑inspired mic, so BeesNeez are keen to highlight the lengths they’ve gone to to reproduce key aspects of the original design and assembly, with the all‑important capsule being a great example. The M7 capsule used in early U47 and M49 microphones was, apparently, made from gun‑barrel material, which is not readily available today. BeesNeez say that they have managed to track down a source of this material to use it in their M7 recreation. They have also designed and built a faithful replica of the original mic’s BV‑08 transformer. Unsurprisingly, though, they haven’t managed to recreate its unique VF14 valve, so like many high‑end U47 recreations, the Tribute 1 uses an EF12 as standard; BeesNeez can fit or supply an alternative option if required.
In Use
The powder‑coated, matte grey finish to the Tribute 1 is very tasteful, and I like how minimal the mic itself looks — and how it doesn’t try to pass as a direct clone of its inspiration. Pattern switching is more versatile than on the original, running from omni to figure‑8 in nine steps through a switch on the power supply. The build quality seems immaculate, and getting the mic up and running with the swivel‑mount connector and cable felt effortless.
The Tribute 1 sounded superb on the all vocal sessions I used it on, whether capturing silky vocal tones or leaning into the capsule for more authoritative low‑end‑heavy results.
I’ve crossed paths with a few different U47‑type mics in recent years, and when I come across a really good one, I’m always reminded how tricky it can be to describe the sonic magic they impart without reverting to pro audio cliché. Sometimes there’s no alternative, however! On my first vocal session using the Tribute 1, I was impressed with how the upper midrange of a female vocalist, who I have recorded with for a few years, suddenly sounded more ‘present’ and ‘like a proper record’. And that’s U47s in a nutshell: there’s a reason these mics are so revered. They don’t suit every singer, but when they work, they can frame a voice in a way that is very familiar to our ears and helps it sit beautifully against the instrumentation. The Tribute 1 sounded superb in the all vocal sessions where I used it, whether capturing silky vocal tones or with the singer leaning into the capsule for more authoritative, low‑end‑heavy results. I also had great success using the mic on instruments, and when used above a drum kit or acoustic guitar in its omni pattern, it produced a lovely ‘open’ sound whilst adding a sense of depth — especially when in a good‑sounding recording space.
Final Thoughts
I had high expectations for this mic, and they were comfortably met in all the sessions when I used it in my studio. As well as ticking the boxes I would want from an all‑round large‑diaphragm studio mic, I loved how this mic gently pushes forward the ‘presence’ frequencies of most voices I tried it on. This is not a cheap mic by any means, but the exchange rate in the UK at the time of writing pitches the Tribute 1 pretty squarely price‑wise against at least two of the better‑known U47‑inspired mics currently available. With this in mind, If you’re in the market for a mic in this style, you should definitely put the Tribute 1 on your shortlist for auditioning.
A boutique, handmade reimagining of one of the most famous mics of all time, the Tribute 1 is both a faithful recreation and a beautiful microphone in its own right.
£4165 including VAT.
Funky Junk +44 (0)207 281 4478.