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Peter Siedleczek's Orchestra Plus

Sample CD Buyer's Guide By Dave Stewart
Published January 2000

Rating: **** 4/6 Stars

Note: This disc features all the material from Orchestra, plus:




BD, Cast, CrC, Cwb, Gng, Logdrums, Ratch, Shk, SD, Tamb, Tri.

Comments: After German company Masterbits issued the original version of Orchestra, customers requested percussion, and this was duly added.

Standouts: Strong timps, great gong crescendo roll, and although not strictly orchestral, an interesting set of deep log drums. You also get an orchestra tuning up and people applauding — so all you have to do is organise what happens in between!

Quibbles: Orchestral cymbals (piatti) sound a little apologetic.

Contact: Masterbits.

£ WAV CD‑ROM (called Online Orchestra) $39; Audio CD $69.