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Toontrack The Jazz Sessions SDX

Superior Drummer 3 Expansion By John Walden
Published September 2024

Toontrack The Jazz Sessions SDX

Toontracks’ SD3 Expansion has drum sounds suitable for almost any jazz project you can imagine.

While Toontrack have certainly ventured into jazz drum sounds in the past, their latest expansion library for Superior Drummer 3, The Jazz Sessions, is undoubtedly their most ambitious project aimed at that genre. Recorded in collaboration with James Farber — whose recording credits read like a Who’s Who? of jazz greats from the last 40 years — the expansion features seven kits selected to span the history of jazz drum sounds and styles. These were recorded in four different rooms within New York’s Power Station, James’ studio of choice. A full range of performance articulations are provided, and the library includes options for sticks, brushes, rods, mallets and hands. The full library comes in at 161GB, but you can opt for a more compact install by forgoing some mic options (for example, the surround mics).

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