Alesis AI-1
Sample rate converters are hardly the stuff that dreams are made of, but if you're an ADAT owner, the AI-1 digital interface opens up a whole new bag of possibilities, as Paul White discovers.
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Sample rate converters are hardly the stuff that dreams are made of, but if you're an ADAT owner, the AI-1 digital interface opens up a whole new bag of possibilities, as Paul White discovers.
Computer-literate musicians are well placed to take advantage of multimedia technology. You know all about the sound — now what about the visuals? Panicos Georghiades and Gabriel Jacobs give an introduction to desktop video on the PC.
24 tracks? Pah! How about a whopping 24 notes? Steve Howell concludes his series on the modular system of yore by taking a look at the somewhat capacitorially-challenged analogue sequencer...
Brian Heywood brings you the latest PC news, and tells you how to get on the 'information superhighway' — free of charge! But first, the news...
For the benefit of those adding a MIDI sequencer to their multitrack tape facilities, Paul White explains the various synchronisation options.
Sampled piano aficionados know the particular problems involved in constructing a good loop of this essential instrument. Craig Anderton passes on a personal solution.
Martin Russ brings you the latest Apple news, and shows you how to double your RAM — without severe silicon surgery...
This month, Vic Lennard investigates the true cost of 'going digital'...
Most of us can set up a suitable vocal reverb treatment, but what's the best way to deal with all those synthesized and sampled instruments? Paul White offers a few suggestions.
Love it or loathe it, the analogue cassette looks set to be the primary medium for the distribution of recorded music for the foreseeable future, and we have to make the best of it. Paul White shows you how...
This month the SOS team checks out an Analogic hard drive.
This month the SOS team checks out the game-cum-documentary of Xplora.
By simplifying the control set up of the Model 106, Aphex have squeezed four channels of compression into a 1U rackmount — making it easier to use without apparently sacrificing functionality. David Mellor's got a ticket to ride...
Soundtracs' new studio gem falls in with the current trend in mixer design — more features and better performance for less money — and adds that special Soundtracs polish. Paul White takes a shine to it.
With so many compressors already on the market, does this newcomer from Phonic deserve a look in? After balancing performance against price, Paul White thinks it's in with a chance.
This new mixer from Samson can't lay claim to much originality but does offer a good array of features for its sub-£1000 price tag. Derek Johnson checks it out.
The TX16W was about to go down in the annals of electronic instrument history as a brilliant-sounding sampler handicapped by a pig of an operating system — until a group of Swedish users took matters into their own hands. Duncan Werner investtigates the ultimate in third-party development.
It's a well worn record company adage that the music known as New Age doesn't sell, yet the little-known artist Clifford White has enjoyed such enormous success with this kind of music that he has set up his own booming record company. Paul White (no relation) finds out how.
Despite having spent more than 15 years in the public eye, David Sylvian remains an enigmatic figure who has reinvented his own musical style constantly, both within his solo work and in his collaborations with musicians as diverse as Holger Czukay and Robert Fripp. Paul Tingen charts the history of the thinking musician's thinking musician.
Though many of us still don't fully understand it, interactive media is the way of the future for music and associated images. Nigel Humberstone visited ESP, a company with a long history in what is still a relatively young industry, to find out what it's all about...