Befaco FX Boy
A Gameboy cartridge‑based Eurorack effects module? Robin Vincent puts the Befaco FX Boy to the test.
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A Gameboy cartridge‑based Eurorack effects module? Robin Vincent puts the Befaco FX Boy to the test.
Could Intech Studio’s ingenious modular system help you build your perfect MIDI controller?
With Studio One 6.5 you already have all the tools you need to mix in Atmos, so why not give it a go?
The Endless Processor from Kyiv‑based Blukac does one thing. It takes a sound and sustains it to infinity.
Studio One now includes some powerful notation and tablature options. Let's explore...
Night Rider from RYK is a Quad Sequential Resonator, offering four resonant filters that can be sequenced.
The latest update to PreSonus’ top of the line DAW introduces comprehensive Dolby Atmos integration and more besides.
Studio One, from version 6 on, is now a surprisingly powerful video editor!
Bend Markers let you manipulate your audio timing with ease.
With a built‑in analogue compressor, Apogee’s Jam X is designed to get your guitar sound right from the start.
In the biscuit barrel of modular, ACRONYM is a chocolate Hobnob dunked into a chilli mochaccino.
Roland’s SH‑101‑inspired S‑1 is a great‑sounding synth with surprising depth.
Clean up your MIDI with Studio One’s comprehensive quantise options.
We explore how Studio One’s Snap, Grid and Quantize settings interact.
ZAPS is designed for fast, percussive sounds that spit, splat, zip and zap, although it won’t shy away from the odd melody either.
Arturia’s new KeyLab Essential focuses firmly on computer control, with ambitious DAW integration.
Think you know what analogue synthesis sounds like? Pittsburgh’s Taiga might change that...
In Studio One, Multi Instruments are your fast track to powerful synth layers and splits.
Coral is an eight‑voice, eight‑part, 10‑sound‑engine synthesizer in a 14HP module.
Sonicware’s SmplTrek packs an ambitious sampler, sequencer and recorder into a single portable box.