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MPG Awards 2009

Nomination phase open
The UK’s Music Producers Guild (MPG) have opened the nomination phase for their inaugural awards ceremony, which is to take place on February 12th 2009. They’re asking for nominations from anyone — not just MPG members — in 13 categories, which include Producer Of The Year, Best Mastering Engineer, and the Joe Meek Award for Innovation in Production.

To make your nomination (or to nominate yourself), visit the MPG awards web site and click on the ‘Nominate Here’ link. You then get the opportunity to nominate up to three people for each category.

The window for nominations closes on the 28th November 2008, after which the short-listing stage will begin. To vote in this stage, you will have to be a ‘voting member’ of the MPG (check out the web site for full details of this).

Names on the shortlist will then be chosen by a team of MPG judges, with the winners announced at the awards ceremony in February.

The nomination process is very easy. Anyone can do it and takes just a few minutes — so why not have your say? You might even win a bottle of champagne!

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