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DAW Software

A DAW, which stands for Digital Audio Workstation, is a software tool that enables users to capture, modify, and create audio content. It is utilised in various contexts such as music production, sound design, game audio, film and TV post-production, and podcasting.

Primary uses of a DAW

The primary purposes of contemporary Digital Audio Workstation software comprise: 

Recording: All DAWs enable users to capture audio from different sources like microphones, instruments, and MIDI controllers using an Audio Interface connected to the computer.

Editing:  DAWs enable users to cut, copy, paste, and rearrange sections of audio files. They also provide a range of tools for improving the quality of audio, including noise reduction, EQ, and compression.

Mixing: Digital Audio Workstations enable users to blend various audio tracks, modifying volumes, positioning, and adding effects to produce a unified end result.

Mastering: Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) provide features like loudness normalisation and EQ adjustments to ensure the final audio meets industry standards.

Advantages of utilising a Digital Audio Workstation

Efficiency: DAWs enable users to efficiently record, edit, and produce audio with ease, cutting down on time and effort when compared to traditional analogue techniques.

Flexibility: DAWs offer a wide range of tools and features that allow users to customise their audio production process and achieve the desired results.

Collaboration: Numerous DAWs provide tools that enable users to work together and collaborate on projects from different locations, simplifying the process of collaborating on audio projects such as podcasts and song creation.

Portability: Digital Audio Workstations are compatible with different devices such as desktop computers (Mac/PC) , laptops and tablets, allowing users to work on audio projects conveniently from any location.

There are many popular software DAWs, some of which come built into the Operating System of your favourite computer, such as Apple GarageBand on Macs. Sound On Sound regularly covers all the top brands in its monthly DAW Masterclasses. From Steinberg Cubase and Avid Pro Tools, PreSonus Studio One and Apple Logic Pro, MOTU Digital Performer to Ableton Live, Reason Studios Reason and Cockos Reaper, you'll find how-to techniques and tips for all of these and other DAWs collected under the sections shown above.

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    All About Quantise

    Steinberg Cubase Tips & Techniques

    When sequencers first allowed you to record musical notes in real time, one of the features that became ubiquitous in all systems was quantisation. Here we take a look at how quantise has evolved and is currently used in Cubase SX.

    Techniques Aug 2006
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    Using Automation

    Cubase Tips & Techniques

    This month we continue exploring Cubase's automation features with a look at the different modes available to SX users, and the issues you'll face when using automation and MIDI Controller data on MIDI Tracks.

    Techniques Jul 2006
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    Logic: Editing Chords & Signatures With Global Tracks

    Logic Tips & Tricks

    The Global Tracks can not only display chords, key/time signatures, and transpose values — they also let you edit them easily.

    Techniques Jul 2006
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    Using Virtual Instruments In Ableton Live

    Live Tips & Techniques

    When Ableton added MIDI support to Live, they also added virtual instrument support — in this article we look at how to take full advantage of software synths within Live.

    Techniques Jul 2006
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    What's New In Digital Performer 5

    Digital Performer Tips & Techniques

    After being extensively trailed at this year's NAMM show, DP5 is finally here. But besides its shiny new additions, such as the six bundled MAS instruments, there are some unexpected and intriguing new features that might just prove to be more useful to some...

    Techniques Jul 2006
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    Region Looping In Pro Tools 7

    Pro Tools Tips & Techniques

    When your project includes repeated MIDI or audio parts, the new Region Looping tools in Pro Tools 7 enable you to work faster and with greater flexibility.

    Techniques Jul 2006
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    Q. How do I compensate for latency in Logic?

    I use a G5 with Logic Pro, a TC Electronic Powercore, a MOTU HD192 interface and a variety of plug-ins, but have...

    Sound Advice Jul 2006
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    Refining Rhythm In Reason

    Reason Tips & Technique

    Last month we looked at some basic applications of the Redrum module in Reason drum programming. Now it's time to move on to more sophisticated techniques for your rhythm parts.

    Techniques Jul 2006
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    Automation Tips

    Cubase Tips & Techniques

    When Cubase VST became Cubase SX, one of the big improvements was a better automation system for audio-based tracks and channels. This month, we show you how to make the most of this newer system.

    Techniques Jun 2006
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    Digidesign Hybrid & Music Production Toolkit

    Analogue-style Synth & Plug-in Bundle For Pro Tools

    What could be more tempting than a sweet-sounding virtual analogue synth? How about that same synth bundled with a bunch of high-quality plug-ins targeted at music production?

    Reviews Jun 2006
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    Using Logic's Global Markers

    Logic Tips & Techniques

    Markers have always been available in Logic, but the new Global Tracks feature (introduced in version 7) makes them much easier to use and manipulate than in earlier versions.

    Techniques Jun 2006
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    Preparing A Performance With Ableton Live

    Live Tips & Techniques

    They say one step in planning saves two in execution — and that certainly applies to doing a performance with Ableton Live sequencer...

    Techniques Jun 2006
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    Effective Mixdown With Digital Performer

    Digital Performer Tips & Techniques

    Your next project might be a four-track demo or a 100-track surround mix for cinema. Either way, at some stage you're going to have to mix it — but with DP on your side, that doesn't need to be a headache.

    Techniques Jun 2006
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    Addressing Latency Problems In Pro Tools LE

    Pro Tools Tips & Techniques

    One of the best features of TDM-based Pro Tools systems is the negligible latency, or input-to-output delay, while recording. So what is the best way to deal with this problem if you have only an LE system?

    Techniques Jun 2006
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    Programming Drums in Reason

    Reason Tips & Techniques

    Whether you need electronic beats or realistic acoustic drums, Reason is one of the quickest and easiest tools around for creating varied drum tracks.

    Techniques Jun 2006
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    Using Off-Line DSP In Sonar

    Sonar Tips & Techniques

    If you never venture into Sonar's off-line DSP section, now could be the time to check it out, following Cakewalk's v5 revamp of these useful functions.

    Techniques Jun 2006
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    DIY Mastering

    Cubase Notes & Techniques

    While mastering in a home or project studio is unlikely to produce the very best results, Cubase SX does have some basic tools for those who want (or have) to adopt a DIY approach.

    Techniques May 2006
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    Logic: Tempo-Matching With Global Tracks

    Logic Tips & Techniques

    Global Tracks let you manipulate the bars and beats of your Song to match freely-played MIDI or audio recordings. Find out how to tempo-match...

    Techniques May 2006
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    Advanced Tempo & Beat Control In Digital Performer

    Digital Performer Tips & Techniques

    When it comes to controlling sequence tempo and imposing a meaningful beat structure on freely-recorded MIDI and audio, DP has plenty of tricks up its sleeve — including Live-like 'liquid audio' powers.

    Techniques May 2006
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    Pro Tools Mastering Limiter Shootout: Part 1

    Pro Tools Tips & Techniques

    If you want to get maximum level out of your Pro Tools mixes, you need a mastering limiter. But which one? We put the leading contenders to the test.

    Techniques May 2006
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    Loop-based Composition In Reason

    Reason Tips & Techniques

    Reason is more than just a MIDI sequencing environment; it can also be used for creating new pieces spontaneously from sample loops. We show you how...

    Techniques May 2006


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