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Amp It Up! | Media

Cubase Tips & Techniques By John Walden
Published September 2012

The following audio examples, complete with explanatory commentary, illustrate some of the amping and reamping techniques discussed in the Cubase workshop about Cubase's VST Amp Rack plug-in, in SOS September 2012.

VSTAmpRack01: Short demonstrations of the sounds available from the various VST Amp Rack models.

VSTAmpRack02: Layering a clean sound with a distorted sound to add extra note definition.

VSTAmpRack03: Creating a double tracked guitar sound using the VST Amp Rack.

VSTAmpRack04: Using automation data to create an auto-wah effect within VST Amp Rack.

VSTAmpRack05: Using the VST Amp Rack as a send effect to add distortion to a vocal.