It's a tall order this month, as we're asked to remix a reader's recording to sound like a big-budget Bond theme!
- Overheads And Room Original overheadsandroomoriginal.mp3 overheadsandroomoriginal.wav
A basic balance of the overheads and room tracks during the chorus, as heard directly from Toontrack's EZ Drummer.
- Overheads And Room Processed overheadsandroomprocessed.mp3 overheadsandroomprocessed.wav
The same two stereo tracks processed for a more aggressive sound.
- Gong Original gongoriginal.mp3 gongoriginal.wav
- Gong Processed gongprocessed.mp3 gongprocessed.wav
- Ch Drums Processed chdrumsprocessed.mp3 chdrumsprocessed.wav
The full chorus drum sound, as it appears in the remix.
- Ch Drums Processed No Dist chdrumsprocessednodist.mp3 chdrumsprocessednodist.wav
The same section of drums, but with the two distortion send effects muted to illustrate how they contribute to the overall sound.
- Basses Original bassesoriginal.mp3 bassesoriginal.wav
The synth and electric bass parts as recorded.
- Basses Processed bassesprocessed.mp3 bassesprocessed.wav
The same parts processed with dynamics and distortion effects to add extra mid-range energy.
- Ch Gtrs Pod Original chgtrspodoriginal.mp3 chgtrspodoriginal.wav
A basic balance of the two original chorus guitar tracks, recorded by Wilx's friend Tom Warner using a Line 6 modelling guitar preamp.
- Ch Gtrs Pod Processed chgtrspodprocessed.mp3 chgtrspodprocessed.wav
The same tracks processed in the remix to try to bring out more of the notes of the chords.
- Ch Gtrs Live Overdubs chgtrsliveoverdubs.mp3 chgtrsliveoverdubs.wav
The additional overdubbed guitar layers added by Tom Adams, processed as in the remix.
- Ch Gtrs Final Balance chgtrsfinalbalance.mp3 chgtrsfinalbalance.wav
The final remixed guitar sound, layering together Tom Warner's and Tom Adam's performances. Gives a new meaning to the phrase 'stereo toms'...
- Ch Vox Processed chvoxprocessed.mp3 chvoxprocessed.wav
The combined lead and backing vocal sound from the remix in isolation.
- Strings Original stringsoriginal.mp3 stringsoriginal.wav
A mix of the raw chorus string tracks Wilx bounced out of Synful Orchestra.
- Strings Processed stringsprocessed-0208.mp3 stringsprocessed-0208.wav
Here are the same string tracks soloed in the remix.
- Vs LV Original vslvoriginal.mp3 vslvoriginal.wav
- Vs LV Processed vslvprocessed.mp3 vslvprocessed.wav
Unprocessed and remixed versions of a section of the verse lead vocal.
- Vs Loop 1 Original vsloop1original.mp3 vsloop1original.wav
- Vs Loop 2 Original vsloop2original.mp3 vsloop2original.wav
The two drum loops Wilx had used to create the verse groove.
- Vs Loops Processed vsloopsprocessed.mp3 vsloopsprocessed.wav
The processed combination of these loops in the remix, complete with the replacement kick-drum sound.
- Original Mix originalmix-0208.mp3 originalmix-0208.wav
Wilx's original normalised mix of 'Dressed To Kill'.
- Unmastered Remix unmasteredremix.mp3 unmasteredremix.wav
The mixdown file I exported from Cubase, without any of the extra mastering processing.
- G Stereo And Genecomp 3 Remix gstereoandgenecomp3remix.mp3 gstereoandgenecomp3remix.wav
The remix processed using GStereo and Genecomp 3 for a hyped sound more in line with the reference tracks.
- Remix Mastered remixmastered.mp3 remixmastered.wav
The remix as heard through the extreme mastering processing I used to compare it with Wilx's reference tracks.