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Acoustics / Studio Design

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 items
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    Zen And The Art Of Cassette Deck Maintenance

    Tips & Techniques

    Love it or loathe it, the analogue cassette looks set to be the primary medium for the distribution of recorded music for the foreseeable future, and we have to make the best of it. Paul White shows you how...

    Techniques Jul 1994
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    Studio Wiring: A Practical Guide, Part 2

    Tips & Techniques

    Having addressed your studio mains wiring, you can now turn your attention to the connections between your equipment. Paul White explains the undoubted benefits of a patchbay system.

    Techniques May 1994
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    CIS GT Pro

    MIDI Studio Workstation Stand

    This month, Derek Johnson investigates the GT Pro MIDI studio workstation stand from Cambridge Innovation Systems.

    Reviews Apr 1994
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    Build A Guitar Amp Dummy Speaker Load

    Tips & Techniques

    Budget speaker simulators make it easy to get a good guitar sound directly from your guitar amplifier to tape, but you'll need a dummy speaker load if you want to work with your speaker cab disconnected. Paul White shows you how to build one with the absolute minimum of time and expense.

    Techniques Apr 1994
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    Studio Wiring, A Practical Guide, Part 1

    Tips & Techniques

    When setting up a studio, the temptation is to make do with the existing wiring — but this can lead to problems with hum and interference, as Paul White explains.

    Techniques Apr 1994
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    Pragmatic Acoustics

    Tips & Techniques

    Few of us are in a position to fit our houses with false walls, suspended ceilings and floating floors — so how can we create a reliable monitoring environment? Paul White explains that it's not as daunting as it seems.

    Techniques Mar 1994
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    Soldering Made Easy

    Tips & Techniques

    Learning to solder is easy, inexpensive and can save both money and frustration. Paul White makes it as painless as possible — just as long as you pick up the soldering iron by the right end!

    Techniques Mar 1994
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    Tape Machine Care

    Tips & Techniques

    Modern tape recorders, both cassette and open-reel, are capable of giving years of service — but they can also deteriorate very quickly if not cared for. Paul White explains the essentials of cleaning and demagnetising.

    Techniques Mar 1994
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