Editor In Chief Sam Inglis has been with Sound On Sound for more than 24 years, rising through the SOS staff ranks until in 2020 he took over the Editor In Chief hotseat from Paul White.
Sam is a recording engineer, producer, songwriter and folk musician who studies the traditional songs of England and Scotland, and the author of two books: Neil Young's Harvest (Bloomsbury, 2003) and Teach Yourself Songwriting (Hodder, 2006).
As well as writing, Sam can be found presenting SOS Podcasts and SOS TV YouTube Exhibition Videos on our channels.
This remarkably purple mic pays visual tribute to Minneapolis’ favourite son, while drawing sonically on one of Berlin’s most celebrated historic designs.
High‑end analogue kit is still an important part of Universal Audio’s product range, and the latest additions are a trio of highly desirable studio mics.
Arthur C Clarke famously opined that “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” But when do we start to take incredible technological achievements for granted?