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Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 items
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    Korg MS20

    Monosynth (Retro)

    Long before the M1, Korg tried to win the hearts of synth fans with the diminutive MS20. Norman Fay steps back in time.

    Reviews Nov 1996
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    Korg N364

    Workstation Synth

    Though Korg's new N-series keyboards aren't completely new on the inside, having much in common with the recent X-series synths, they still have plenty to offer as powerful workstations, with some neat and contemporary embellishments for '96. Gordon Reid sketches out the Korg family tree...

    Reviews Oct 1996
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    Korg Trinity Plus: Part 2

    Music Workstation

    Part 2: Gordon Reid concludes his review of Korg's new family of workstations.

    Reviews Jan 1996
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