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    Korg DSS1

    Digital Sampling Synthesizer (Retro)

    Not over-endowed with intelligence the chunky DSS1 had just 256k of memory. Paul Nagle speaks up in defence of a dinosaur.

    Reviews Nov 1997
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    Korg SGproX

    Master Keyboard

    In the mid-'80s, Korg released their first sampling Grand, the SG1, a digital stage piano that doubled as a MIDI master controller keyboard. 10 years on, they've revisited the concept with the heavyweight SGproX. Paul Farrer considers whether a decade has made all the difference...

    Reviews Nov 1997
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    Korg Z1

    Polyphonic Physical Modelling Synthesizer (Preview)

    Korg's mission to bring musicians the benefits of physical modelling synthesis at an affordable price continues; you can now have a polyphonic, multitimbral Prophecy for well under twice the price of the original. The synth is called the Z1, and Gordon Reid is the man with the exclusive technical preview...

    Reviews Aug 1997
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    Korg IX300

    Interactive Music Workstation

    Gordon Reid checks out the street cred of Korg's latest synth and is surprised by what he finds.

    Reviews Apr 1997
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