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    Emu Systems Emulator II

    8-bit Sampling Keyboard, Part 2 (Retro)

    Paul Wiffen continues his homage to the first 'musical' sampling keyboard, which brought sampling out of the dark ages of simple trigger playback and into the realm of filters, envelopes and performance controls which we take for granted on all modern samplers. The Emulator II was, as he explains, also responsible for other major innovations like on-board hard drives and CD-ROM libraries...

    Reviews Sep 2000
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    Emu Systems Emulator II, Part 1 (Retro)

    8-bit Sampling Keboard

    Unil the EII came along, Paul Wiffen had no time for sampling as a musical tool. But when he found all the filtering and enveloping he was used to from analogue synthesis, plus a sound fidelity which he hadn't heard before, he was a convert...

    Reviews Aug 2000
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