Musikmesse 2015: SSL LMC+
At last week's Musikmesse, we managed to get an audio demo of the SSL LMC+, a new 500-series module based on...
At last week's Musikmesse, we managed to get an audio demo of the SSL LMC+, a new 500-series module based on...
The XL-Desk is the first Solid State Logic mixer that can host hardware processors in the ubiquitous 500-series format.
The X-Rack system makes SSL's large console technology much more accessible - so much so that we were reluctant to send it back!
The sound of an SSL console is now available in an even smaller package - and at a smaller price.
Some people love the sound of SSL's modern consoles, while others prefer the 'dirt' of their older models. The VHD Pre aims to offer you the best of both worlds...
The almost universal trend towards using computers and hardware controllers has made business tough for the big console manufacturers — but the clever ones are fighting back with some innovative thinking, to create products that offer the best of all worlds.
SSL's new console, the XL-Desk, is a 24-input desk with eight VHD preamps, four mix buses and a built-in 18-...
Technology from SSLs high-end mixing consoles has been filtering down to the project studio for some time, in the form of the X-Logic and X-Rack products, but the desks themselves have remained the preserve of commercial studios. Until now...
An SSL analogue mixer with automation and both DAW and iOS integration — all packed in a 2U rack space. What's not to like?
Creating complex routing chains in a hybrid DAW/outboard setup presents its own set of problems — to which Solid State Logic offer this solution...