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Mixing / Production

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    Using Your DAW's Compressors & Limiters

    Software Dynamics Masterclass

    All of the main MIDI + Audio sequencers now have a bewildering array of compression and limiting plug-ins built in, but many home musicians are unclear about what all those controls and options do. And with so many varieties of each plug-in available, which one should you choose for the job in hand?

    Techniques Mar 2003
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    A metronome.

    Using Tempo Changes

    Sequencing Tips

    All modern sequencers make it easy to enhance your arrangements with subtle tempo variations, but these facilities are often ignored.

    Techniques Nov 2002
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    Magic Logic.

    Surround Sound Explained: Part 9

    Surround In Your DAW

    In this final part of our series, we look at how the major project studio-oriented MIDI + Audio sequencers (DAWs) currently handle surround.

    Techniques Apr 2002
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    Django Bates' Human Chain

    Soft Samplers For Live Music

    Software samplers are revolutionising studio recording, but can they replace their hardware counterparts in live performance? Jazz keyboardist Django Bates is in the process of finding out...

    People Feb 2002
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    Using Plug-ins

    Routing & Ordering Of Plug-ins For Recording/Mixing Tasks

    The flexibility of the effects assignment in modern MIDI + Audio sequencers (DAWs) can be daunting, so here's some advice on how to sort out the routing and order of your plug-ins for common recording and mixing tasks.

    Techniques Feb 2002


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