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Mixing / Production

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 items
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    Barry Adamson: Composing For Film

    Interview | Composer

    Composing for film is an ambition shared by innumerable musicians, only a tiny percentage of whom will ever land a soundtrack job. But it can be done. Nigel Humberstone recounts his own experience of scoring a low-budget independent Hollywood movie and talks to Barry Adamson, one of a new breed of soundtrack composers, about his career to date.

    People May 1994
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    Chris Franke: The Sequencer King

    Interview | Artist

    Despite looking back fondly on his days as a pioneering member of groundbreaking electronic group Tangerine Dream, Chris Franke has been a solo artist for over half a decade, and has made a name for himself both in the world of film scoores and as a businessman. Ashok Prema talks to the man they call " the sequencer king".

    People May 1994
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