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Mixing / Production

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 items
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    DANNY SABER: Saber Dance

    Interview | Artist

    He's an accomplished producer, remixer, writer, programmer, guitarist, bassist and keyboard player — is there no end to Danny Saber's abilities? Richard Buskin talks to him about his blending of pop, rock, hip-hop and trip-hop sensibilities, as well as the commercially unorthodox results that have placed him in international demand.

    People Feb 1997
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    DAVID WEST: The Sound Of The X Files

    Interview | Music Production

    West Productions' innovative work on the audio post-production of cult TV series 'The X-Files' netted the company two Emmy awards in 1996. Paul White talks to company founder David West about the sound element of major TV programmes, including X-Files creator Chris Carter's new series, 'Millennium'.

    People Feb 1997
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    Freelance Engineers & Their Personal Racks


    It was once taken for granted that freelance engineers would use the standard outboard provided by the studio they were working in. But the explosion in the amount of gear available means that now they often have to assemble personal rack to be sure of getting access to their tools of choice. Dan Daley explores the phenomenon...

    People Feb 1997
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    John Adams

    Crossing Borders

    This American classical composer writes rock songs as well as concertos and has a home studio complete with contemporary synths and a computer-based sequencer. Paul Tingen talks to him about the best of both worlds.

    People Feb 1997
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    MARK SNOW: Scoring The X-Files

    Interview | Composer

    Mark Snow's quirky yet haunting X-File theme tune was last year's surprise worldwide chart hit, and his atmospheric scoring plays an important part in setting the mood for this darkly compelling television phenomenon. Derek Johnson discovers that the music is out there...

    People Feb 1997
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