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Mixing / Production

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 items
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    Martin Newcomb

    From Synthesizer Museum To Museum Studios

    Martin Newcomb opened his vast collection of rare electronic instruments to the public, but the public stayed at home. Now, therefore, he's changed his plans and built a studio — but some amazing vintage synths still feature prominently. Gordon Reid finds out more from Martin and studio designer Kevin Van Green.

    People Aug 2000
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    MOUSSE T: Recording Tom Jones' 'Sex Bomb'

    Interview | Producer

    Mousse T's radio remix of the song 'Sex Bomb' has sold a million copies across Europe and has once again revived sales of Tom Jones' Reload. Mike Senior talks mixing and remixing with the influential German producer.

    People Aug 2000
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    NIGEL BATES: Mixing Vintage & Cutting-edge Technology

    Interview | Producer/Engineer

    Vintage producer/engineer Nigel Bates was one of the original devotees of the PPG Wave digital synthesizer, an instrument that is still a mainstay of his music. These days, he's also enthsiastic in his use of the latest software-based mixing tools. Paul Wiffen finds out more about his fusion of the classic and the cutting-edge. Extra material by Sam Inglis and Matt Bell.

    People Aug 2000
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    Recreating The Ballet Mechanique In The Digital Age, Part 1

    Feature | Tips & Tricks

    In 1924 George Antheil wrote a piece of music which required 16 synchronised player pianos playing four different parts, along with a bizarre human ensemble. But it took 75 years before Antheil's dream of a gigantic machine-controlled performance was fully realised, using MIDI, by US-based musician and SOS contributor Paul D. Lehrman. In this two-part feature, he explains how this two-year project reached fruition.

    People Aug 2000
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